Monday, October 20, 2008

Final Report, Government Task Force

Brief Summary of the Al Andalus Governance Committee Meetings (hosted at the Convivencia Institute on three consecutive Saturdays in October 2008)

Presented by Micael Khandr, AA Governance Committee Facilitator
Different avatars came to different meetings. Those who did come included: Ali Zerbino, Amandeep Timeless, Ashcroft Burnham, Jamie Palisades, Mobius Bingyi, muhammadyussif Wikinger, Pip Torok, Satir DeCuir, StuiChicanne Darkstone, and Wasp Thor.

Generally speaking, the Committee was divided upon whether to have a loosely developed governance model (e.g., a Sultan and a Council responsible for things) or a more developed structure, with laws (rights and responsibilities) and process for decision-making outlined in detailed.

Those who tended toward the Sultan-Council model were interested in trying to hold onto the Islamic roots of Al Andalus, although not requiring Muslims as leaders.
Those who tended toward a more constitutional structure were interested in due process of law and issues related to representation.

My own recommendation is that Rose Springvale, as the owner of Al Andalus, should take these different ideas under consideration, and (given that there was no clear consensus) create a structure of governance that will both serve the mission of Al Andalus and provide a sharing of the day-to-day responsibilities of “running” Al Andalus among its citizens.

Respectfully submitted by Micael Khandr on October 20, 2008.

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